Facebook as a international communication tools?

Meet the Woman Heading Facebook’s Huge International Growth

As nowadays the electronic world has been extremely well developed, social media has been the hottest platform for people to communicate. Facebook is definitely one of the most famous platform for people around the globe to use it.

Obviously, Facebook has been successful in these years.Everyone has a Facebook account to meet friends and find their old friends. Facebook  users has been expanded to Africa and other less developed country which is a great improvement. This means there are more and more users using Facebook so Facebook would not decline in the short term at least.

Besides Facebook, Twitter and instagram are also the famous social media for people to use nowadays. However,Facebook is the most popular one until now. As facebook is famous in the whole world. User can easily communicate with friends and family that are far away from them.

As Facebook users growth internationally, they can have less featured items to maintain their high users. Though, they must still have to improve their features now in order to overcome complains and to satisfy all users over world.

In conclusion, Facebook has been successful and have attract lots of users internationally. It is a good news for Facebook.

Samsung is suffering a dangerous period in Smartphones

Samsung Poised for ‘Ugly’ Quarter as IPhones Get Bigger

As we known, Samsung and Apples are the biggest competitors in electronic world or in smartphones world. Apple has announces the newest models of smartphone, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. These releases have somehow affected Samsung sales.

Apple obviously has won lots of customers loyalty since iPhone has been invented. Lots of customers chose iPhone for no reason since they have their first iPhone. Therefore, as Samsung is also the high price range smartphones brand, they are more difficult to attract customers. They need to have some outstanding and unique selling points to attract customers from Apple or other brand’s smartphone users. It is always difficult for company to invent a special points that no one has used before.

As the article said, Samsung shares has been falling especially the one in China. The most urgent thing to do now is to save the shares. The Note 4 has releases in late September and will be release in early October in other countries as well. To hit Apple’s newest model in China, Samsung wants to release the model earlier then them to give a hit. It might be a good way to try to save their shares in China.

In the long-term, Samsung must attract more loyal customers to maintain their sales and save their shares as well. They must have some unique points for smartphones in order to hit Apples sales. In short-term, they must have a great Galaxy S6 to save the sales of Samsung. Otherwise, Samsung might really goes into trouble.

How does the Hong Kong protest affects the economy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong protests may cost retailers HK$2bn says ANZ bank

As the serious situation these days in Hong Kong, it has been affecting the daily life for every citizen in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, there are quite a serious affection in their economy as well. I will try to discuss this situation in the following.

As this protest is against the Chinese government, which means they do not want the mainland visitors to come. However, the income from mainland visitors is quite a large proportion for Hong Kong. At the same time, the Hong Kong people started the protest  in the period of most mainland visitors come to Hong Kong, which is the Chinese National week. I might say it is kind of a foolish action because it will cause them to earn less money.

Also, the protests process for 24 hours everyday, shoppers may not operate normally. They may have to lose money until the protests ends, which is a significant affections for shoppers. Restaurants and bars have to close earlier and suffer slower business. Shops might not even be open because of the situation out there is not peaceful.

Even the foreign countries have gave the travel warning and recommended people not to travel to Hong Kong. Nevertheless, tourism is one of the biggest income for them. Therefore, it is a really serious problem for Hong Kong.

Eventually, the protests in Hong Kong is definitely not a good matters, it is just a way to let Hong Kong to get in a trouble. Also, to worsen the economy. I hope that there will be a peaceful Hong Kong as soon as possible.

Why electric car raise up recently?

In recent years, there is a huge development in electric cars industries such as Tesla, Nissan. So I am thinking why these zero emitted vehicles and I figure three points. First of all, the development in battery and charging technology. For example, back to one hundred years, people could not image the existence of wireless charing however, now we made it, human beings developed a method that charge a electric device by a platform without wire. And now scientists are working on how to charging a electric device without touching a platform and charging it with real wireless charger. Second,  my view is the future downfall of oil industries, because oil is a limited resource on earth so once it run out of then we need to find another engine way to motive our vehicles. Well, if we would start these electric vehicles projects much earlier than we run out of oil, there will be less difficult time for us to face. Third I think is the growth of the awareness of building a green better world. Now human kinds are facing the green house effect which would cause a lot of serious environmental problems. In order to avoid such things happen we need to find some new energy to active our vehicles because vehicles are one of the most polluted things. Sum up, I think electric vehicles would have a bright future!