Samsung is suffering a dangerous period in Smartphones

Samsung Poised for ‘Ugly’ Quarter as IPhones Get Bigger

As we known, Samsung and Apples are the biggest competitors in electronic world or in smartphones world. Apple has announces the newest models of smartphone, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. These releases have somehow affected Samsung sales.

Apple obviously has won lots of customers loyalty since iPhone has been invented. Lots of customers chose iPhone for no reason since they have their first iPhone. Therefore, as Samsung is also the high price range smartphones brand, they are more difficult to attract customers. They need to have some outstanding and unique selling points to attract customers from Apple or other brand’s smartphone users. It is always difficult for company to invent a special points that no one has used before.

As the article said, Samsung shares has been falling especially the one in China. The most urgent thing to do now is to save the shares. The Note 4 has releases in late September and will be release in early October in other countries as well. To hit Apple’s newest model in China, Samsung wants to release the model earlier then them to give a hit. It might be a good way to try to save their shares in China.

In the long-term, Samsung must attract more loyal customers to maintain their sales and save their shares as well. They must have some unique points for smartphones in order to hit Apples sales. In short-term, they must have a great Galaxy S6 to save the sales of Samsung. Otherwise, Samsung might really goes into trouble.

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