Cenovus Energy, a Canadian oil company, has recently announced that military veterans will have priority in the hiring of new employees. Through the government veterans’ transition plan, this program at Cenovus will provide opportunities to many of those who served the country and is now adjusting to civilian life. Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children also joined the program.
Not only is this a selfless act for the company, the availability of prospective jobs will probably lower unemployment rate for the veterans transitioning from military life. By doing so, Cenovus has shown good business ethics by wanting to assist former military persons which gives the company a good reputation. However, it is not known whether or not this also applies to injured veterans. There has been increasing support for this new program while Cenovus is the first to take initiative.
The company will also be able to utilize the leadership, discipline and communication skills instilled in those formerly trained by the military.
Senior vice-president, Jacqui McGillivray, said, “We’ve been actively working with the Canadian military on opportunities to hire because the quality of individuals from the Canadian Armed Forces is exceptional”.
This is an ethical decision made by the company that will benefit both itself and the society.
Bill Graveland, The Canadian Press. “Cenovus Energy to give military veterans priority when hiring” (Wednesday, Sep. 11 2013). http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/cenovus-energy-to-give-military-veterans-priority-when-hiring/article14260694/