The Ethics of LinkedIn

Recent articles published called “Ask The Headhunter” by Nick Corcodilos (PBS) and “Has LinkedIn Crossed an Ethical Line” by Nancy Collamer (Forbes) has commented on the ethics of LinkedIn. The main issue that both articles point out is the fact that LinkedIn has transitioned from a free service to one that’s charging an optional fee ranging from $20 to $50 per month for job seekers that want a “featured applicant” posting , despite actual employee qualifications.

This option leads to skewed information for employers who are looking for potential employees that suit their company, not just a LinkedIn member who paid to get priority.

According to the SWOT, this could both be a strength and weakness to LinkedIn; although it is increasing the company’s revenue (strength), LinkedIn is also faced with ethical problems and a less reliable reputation (weakness). However, there aren’t many solutions to this issue as well. As a job board, the company has to charge its members some sort of fee in order to profit and keep the website running, unless it was to have more advertisements or receive donations (opportunity).


Collamer, Nancy. Has LinkedIn Crossed An Ethical Line? Forbes. Web 3 September 2013

Corcodilos, Nick. Ask The Headhunter: Is LinkedIn Cheating Employees and Job Seekers Alike? PBS Web 13 August 2013.

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