Candy Crush Addiction

Interestingly, I have had the same situation as Candice described in her blog that she was so addicted to Candy Crush that she even dreamed about it.  Also, I remembered moments when I closed my eyes and still see the image of candy crush, and how I can play it with the image that my brain showed me.

Such strong addition does not only happen on me but also on many of my friends. After reading Candice’s blog, I was surprised that how Candy Crush applies Science to their strategy and made such a game so additive that brings in $633,000 per day.

Based on my analysis, I have also found out that Candy Crush smartly caught up consumer’s attention through a zero cost to download and play, yet it positively reinforces the patterns for human brains to make people hooked by it. Once got addicted, it requires consumers to pay a certain amount of money to unlock further levels. Similarly, through the process of waiting made this game more fun in a long term run.

Figure from:

Commenting on Candice Chung’s blog


Why Starbucks in China is so expensive?

Doris’s blog  about price discrimination in China raises my interest in seeking the reason that made Starbucks so expensive in China.

As Doris mentioned in her blog, she thinks such a huge price difference is caused by cultural divergence since traditionally Chinese did not prefer coffee.  I agree with her point since Chinese economy opened in the late 1970s and traditionally foreign products were always regarded to be better-made. However, there are more than one factor that made Starbucks beverage expensive.

Based on my analysis, the problem that caused the high price of Starbucks beverage is due to a high operating cost of a Starbucks store. On one hand, China’s labor is very cheap and this has caused inequity in salary as a barista in China is making much less than a barista in U.S.  Thus, increase the price of each beverage is a way to balance out the inequity. On the other hand, China doesn’t have much coffee production; thus adds the importing fee and taxes that causes the price to be high.

 Figure from:


Commenting on Doris Wu’s blog



Thoughts on Entrepreneurship

After the lecture about entrepreneurship, all I think of is that entrepreneurship is all about innovations. Only the news will create markets and thus result in new demand.

During the lecture, we’ve had an interesting in-class activity about being an entrepreneur to design our own product.  This activity allowed me to think about what exactly entrepreneurship is and what characteristics does an entrepreneur has.

Despite the competitive advantages about all innovations, I’ve discovered that having the ability to make the right decision or choose the best choice at the moment is also a key. There are many steps to take and many characteristics to have in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Have the idea would be great. Yet, certain efforts must be made to let it become reality. Such as overcoming challenges, persuading opponents, and developing allies are all the efforts that needed to be done. Nevertheless, although there are many uncertainties and risks existing in entrepreneurship, it is also worth it for one to try and experience.

Working at Google is fun

In order for an organization to function effectively and productively, it is the system of shared values and norms that determines it. Google is one of the biggest organizations in the world, and it well documented that it also has a distinctive organization culture.

I found that all Google’s core values appeared to be optimistic and caring. Working in Google is more like to work in a colorful entertainment place instead of a dull cubical. This open-minded culture also allows their employees to be inspirational and creative. They welcome new ideas and thoughts which brought together smart and talented people from diverse culture backgrounds.

Personally speaking, I believe that Google employees’ happiness to the company’s success.  Through knowing how to manage human resources, Google has many perks of being their employees. Most importantly, they take care of their employees physically, emotionally, socially and financially.

Therefore, allows their employees to serve customers with full attention and commitment.  It is very likely that Google’s success can be attributed to its unique culture.

Figure from:


<Google Culture>

<At Google, a Place to Work and Play

Management Information System of eBay

Now days many organizations unified business and information technology together to benefit from all the capabilities that it can bring. One great example is the largest on-line market –eBay.

This new IT system allowed eBay to increase its customer and partners, as well as its activities. People can communicate through IT system in different locations which builds up a large community that enables all members to do trades with each other. Neither of sellers nor buyers have to know each other or meet up to do trade since eBay also partnered up with Delivery Company that can deliver the item to the desired place.

By adopting this system, eBay can increase its profit and revenue through new channels with a continuous increase in its database.  eBay is benefiting through increased productivity in both the organization and users, while it saves time and decreases costs.



eBay: “The world’s largest online marketplace”- A Case Study by J.Gopalkrishnan*  <>


Lululemon’s Sustainability & CRS Vision

After the lecture class on CSR and sustainability, I found myself attracted to the relationship between Lululemon’s success and its CRS and sustainability vision.

Lululemon is a value-driven company which focuses on quality of product and customer satisfaction. As this brand was designed for fitness lovers, it embraces our environment and made good and efficient use of energy and recyclable waste.

Based on several articles I’ve referenced to, it’s proven that targeting on CSR and sustainability through a creative and innovative way does bring Lululemon a bright future in selling their products.  Lululemon aims to design long lifecycle products to reduce additional cost for consumers to buy new product. Yet, in order for it to achieve such high quality, Lululemon had to invent new materials, features and technology to create the best apparel that stands out and shine. This intention has not only grasps consumer behavior and preference, but also reduces the environmental impact to increase sustainability.

“The better the product, the longer it lasts.”[1] — Lululemon

Banana Wars – Debility of Latin America’s Banana Industry

                The case Banana Wars was introduced in my high school geography class based on a concept of reducing disparities.  As I recalled this case, I decided to analyze this from a business perspective by applying and referencing Porter’s Five Forces Diagram.

Bananas are a popular fruits and are generally grown in tropical areas such as the Caribbean. Since 1975 EU[1] provided Caribbean countries the privilege to import bananas without tariffs, it caused a significant collapse in Latin America’s banana industry as it was very hard to compete with those who were favored by EU.

Reasons that caused the downfall of Latin America banana industry are: high threats of being substituted by the Caribbean industries due to buyers inclination changed towards bananas at low price; weak buyer power as most buyers are civilians; and strong supplier power as the Carribean countries imports tariffs free bananas with support from EU.

Although Latin America’s banana industry made several adjustments in order to compete, it were unsuccessful as they debilitated themselves by lowering banana price temporarily and eventually claimed bankruptcy as they kept on focusing on one distribution channel without opportunity to differentiate.


Photo form “Banana Wars: Power, Production and HIstory in the Americas” University of Arkansas. Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.<>

“EU Cuts Import Tariffs in a Bid to End ‘banana Wars'” BBC News. BBC, 15 Dec. 2009. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.<>


[1] European Union, the world’s biggest trading bloc consisting of 27 member states.

What makes McDonald successful in the fast food industry? — Having over 33,000 restaurants in 119 countries.

In September 2013, McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada officially launched the Informed Dining program across    its restaurants in Manitoba.  The Informed Dining program focuses on comprehensive nutrition consumption  level and highlights on calorie and sodium information for standard menu items.

As McDonald adopted this program, they quickly build up a strategic alliance partnership with Manitoba Ministry  of Health.  This partnership has not only helped McDonald to introduce this program to the foodservice industry,  but also marks the evolution of McDonald’s commitment of providing their customers with comprehensive    nutrition information.

McDonald was very successful in delivering their value proposition through diverse channels.  Now by adopting this new program has helped McDonald to distribute their items through a different channel.  The partnership with Manitoba Ministry of Health helped McDonald to focus customers with needs in building a comprehensive nutrition that meet their own dietary requirement.

“We’ve been actively working within the industry and with stakeholders to generate support for implementing the program nationally and we are delighted to see it expand to a second province.” Said by MacLauchlan[1]. The adaptation of this program is successful in both keeping and growing customers; therefore, can be seen as a wise management idea in expanding the market.



Photo from “CNW Group.” McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct.                           <>

“McDonald’s® Worldwide.” McDonald’s Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.<>

[1] Sherry MacLauchlan, Director of Government Relations and Sustainability at McDonald’s Canada, was one of the restaurant industry leaders involved in the collaborative development of the Informed Dining program.

Why does Apple choose to manufacture its products in Asia?

An article titled “How U.S. Lost Out On iPhone Work” published by The New York Times in January 2012 has raised my interest in searching the reasons that why Apple outsourced their manufacture to Asian countries.  This research has later offered me some interesting insights into Apple’s supply chain as well as its cost structure.

I used to think, cheap labor in Asian countries is the only reason that why this decision was made in consideration to save money on wages. Yet, it seems that population density, employment rate, and literacy rate also play a role.

In Asian countries, it is not hard to hire over a thousand people within a short period of time. Thus, provides Asian countries the opportunity to be the most productive in manufacture products. On the contrary, it is difficult to find large work force with high literacy rate to be willing to assemble products with a low wage.

Therefore makes Asian manufacturers and suppliers to provide better qualities and services as they are very productive and efficient. As Apple extensively outsourced their manufacture in Asia, it suggested that Apple might be using a cost-driven business model as it focus on minimizes cost whenever possible.


DUHIGG, CHARLES, and KEITH BRADSHER. “How the U.S. Lost Out on IPhone Work.” The New York Times Business Day. N.p., n.d. Web.<>

Photo from:  “Why Does Apple Manufacture IPhone in Asia?” IPhone Hacks IPad IPod Touch and IPhone Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.  <>

Marijuana Legalization, Yes or No?


As all of us are aware of, Marijuana is a type of commonly used drug that can cause addiction. Despite the negative consequences and impacts of Marijuana, it is still being largely produced due to high demand and supply.

Within the continuous increase in demand of Marijuana, a question of whether Marijuana should be decriminalized  and open for business has been raised. On one hand, by decriminalizing Marijuana, it would bring benefits for the economy as it saves expenditures that being used in law enforcement  and incarceration. Also, alters in taxes and regulations after legalizing Marijuana would generate money that can help in stimulating economic growth and development.

Despite the fact that Marijuana is a “top cash crop”, which can save the economy; it still should not be legalized as it cannot be considered as an action of being responsible to the society. Once the Marijuana market becomes legalized, the possibility of demand and supply might increase in larger scale; thus is harder to control health and social consequences. But again, how can we justify that the usage of Marijuana in medical fields is legal and ethically right?  Debatable.


How Big Is The Marijuana Market?: <>

Marijuana Decriminalized in Washington State: <>

Marijuana ‘top cash crop in US’: <>

Why not… legalize drugs?: <>



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