Marijuana Legalization, Yes or No?


As all of us are aware of, Marijuana is a type of commonly used drug that can cause addiction. Despite the negative consequences and impacts of Marijuana, it is still being largely produced due to high demand and supply.

Within the continuous increase in demand of Marijuana, a question of whether Marijuana should be decriminalized  and open for business has been raised. On one hand, by decriminalizing Marijuana, it would bring benefits for the economy as it saves expenditures that being used in law enforcement  and incarceration. Also, alters in taxes and regulations after legalizing Marijuana would generate money that can help in stimulating economic growth and development.

Despite the fact that Marijuana is a “top cash crop”, which can save the economy; it still should not be legalized as it cannot be considered as an action of being responsible to the society. Once the Marijuana market becomes legalized, the possibility of demand and supply might increase in larger scale; thus is harder to control health and social consequences. But again, how can we justify that the usage of Marijuana in medical fields is legal and ethically right?  Debatable.


How Big Is The Marijuana Market?: <>

Marijuana Decriminalized in Washington State: <>

Marijuana ‘top cash crop in US’: <>

Why not… legalize drugs?: <>



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