What makes McDonald successful in the fast food industry? — Having over 33,000 restaurants in 119 countries.

In September 2013, McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada officially launched the Informed Dining program across    its restaurants in Manitoba.  The Informed Dining program focuses on comprehensive nutrition consumption  level and highlights on calorie and sodium information for standard menu items.

As McDonald adopted this program, they quickly build up a strategic alliance partnership with Manitoba Ministry  of Health.  This partnership has not only helped McDonald to introduce this program to the foodservice industry,  but also marks the evolution of McDonald’s commitment of providing their customers with comprehensive    nutrition information.

McDonald was very successful in delivering their value proposition through diverse channels.  Now by adopting this new program has helped McDonald to distribute their items through a different channel.  The partnership with Manitoba Ministry of Health helped McDonald to focus customers with needs in building a comprehensive nutrition that meet their own dietary requirement.

“We’ve been actively working within the industry and with stakeholders to generate support for implementing the program nationally and we are delighted to see it expand to a second province.” Said by MacLauchlan[1]. The adaptation of this program is successful in both keeping and growing customers; therefore, can be seen as a wise management idea in expanding the market.



Photo from “CNW Group.” McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct.                           <http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/1233997/mcdonald-s-restaurants-in-manitoba-adopt-informed-dining-program>

“McDonald’s® Worldwide.” McDonald’s Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.<http://www.mcdonalds.ca/ca/en/our_story/mcdonalds_worldwide.html>

[1] Sherry MacLauchlan, Director of Government Relations and Sustainability at McDonald’s Canada, was one of the restaurant industry leaders involved in the collaborative development of the Informed Dining program.

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