Candy Crush Addiction

Interestingly, I have had the same situation as Candice described in her blog that she was so addicted to Candy Crush that she even dreamed about it.  Also, I remembered moments when I closed my eyes and still see the image of candy crush, and how I can play it with the image that my brain showed me.

Such strong addition does not only happen on me but also on many of my friends. After reading Candice’s blog, I was surprised that how Candy Crush applies Science to their strategy and made such a game so additive that brings in $633,000 per day.

Based on my analysis, I have also found out that Candy Crush smartly caught up consumer’s attention through a zero cost to download and play, yet it positively reinforces the patterns for human brains to make people hooked by it. Once got addicted, it requires consumers to pay a certain amount of money to unlock further levels. Similarly, through the process of waiting made this game more fun in a long term run.

Figure from:

Commenting on Candice Chung’s blog


Why Starbucks in China is so expensive?

Doris’s blog  about price discrimination in China raises my interest in seeking the reason that made Starbucks so expensive in China.

As Doris mentioned in her blog, she thinks such a huge price difference is caused by cultural divergence since traditionally Chinese did not prefer coffee.  I agree with her point since Chinese economy opened in the late 1970s and traditionally foreign products were always regarded to be better-made. However, there are more than one factor that made Starbucks beverage expensive.

Based on my analysis, the problem that caused the high price of Starbucks beverage is due to a high operating cost of a Starbucks store. On one hand, China’s labor is very cheap and this has caused inequity in salary as a barista in China is making much less than a barista in U.S.  Thus, increase the price of each beverage is a way to balance out the inequity. On the other hand, China doesn’t have much coffee production; thus adds the importing fee and taxes that causes the price to be high.

 Figure from:


Commenting on Doris Wu’s blog



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