Working at Google is fun

In order for an organization to function effectively and productively, it is the system of shared values and norms that determines it. Google is one of the biggest organizations in the world, and it well documented that it also has a distinctive organization culture.

I found that all Google’s core values appeared to be optimistic and caring. Working in Google is more like to work in a colorful entertainment place instead of a dull cubical. This open-minded culture also allows their employees to be inspirational and creative. They welcome new ideas and thoughts which brought together smart and talented people from diverse culture backgrounds.

Personally speaking, I believe that Google employees’ happiness to the company’s success.  Through knowing how to manage human resources, Google has many perks of being their employees. Most importantly, they take care of their employees physically, emotionally, socially and financially.

Therefore, allows their employees to serve customers with full attention and commitment.  It is very likely that Google’s success can be attributed to its unique culture.

Figure from:


<Google Culture>

<At Google, a Place to Work and Play

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