Get on Siri’s Radar.


An interesting article I came upon was one talking about how local businesses can get on Siri’s “radar”. In 2011, when the iPhone 4s was launched, Apple claimed to have sold more than 4 million units. As you can imagine, the traffic of consumers using Siri must have been quite a large amount. Local businesses wanted to use Siri as a platform for new customers. By making themselves more known to online review sites such as Yelp and Yahoo, businesses can increase their ratings on said sites. The higher and more consistent your ratings are, the more likely your business will show up as a result on Siri. This also includes linking your business between review sites, how you enter your address and pictures of your business as well. With social media and electronic devices being the crux of all humanity right now, and iPhone being one of the most widely used mobiles, it is a smart business decision to get yourself on Siri’s radar. Print ads and self-promotion on social media sites can help you get your new business name out there, but in comparison to a result on Siri, it’s hardly anywhere on the scale. What you have to consider is that Siri reaches a huge audience, not just locals in the area but anyone from around the world who comes into that certain search radius that make a search on Siri.


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