A Break From Digital Media.

In such a technology oriented generation, we often find ourselves surrounded with many different types of technological devices.The article “Taking a break from digital overload”, talks about the benefits of giving yourself a break from these devices.While it acknowledges that digital devices are not only a luxury in present society, but most times a necessity for communication and productivity, it also talks about balance. Sure, our laptops and cellphones provide us with an easy way to communicate and organize our everyday schedules, but how do we know when it’s too much? Personally, I find myself distracted by my cellphone/laptop when I’m doing work, so I have to turn off the sounds in order to concentrate fully on the task at hand. The article also speaks about how technology can help us increase productivity but at the same time it can also get in the way of us being productive. Sometimes, it’s good to have a break from all the digital media around us so that we can discover how much more time we have to use when we’re not solely focused and engrossed in our digital devices. Francine Gingras, VP of global public-relations at Elizabeth Arden, calls this “digital detox”. I find this to be a very interesting term and approach to decreasing the use of digital devices and focusing on “real life” and “real time”, what actually needs to be done.


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