
Science in a Bag Activities | Experimental Design Activities | Thinking Tasks and Activities

Walking into a chemistry or science classroom can be intimidating especially if it is an area you are not familiar with. We have developed a “bag of tricks” to help you survive substitute teaching. These include various critical thinking activities, experimental designs and science in a bag activities. Many of these are easy to to implement into any classroom to promote collaborative and critical thinking for students, all while keeping it fun!

Check out these very cool chemical reactions and experiments!

Introductory activity and video!

Check out the neat demonstration below of Elephant’s Toothpaste

Follow-up questions:

  1. Oxygen is formed in the reaction. How can one confirm this presence of oxygen? Ask students to collaborate and come up with a experiment to test this.
  2. What is the reaction type? (Hint: H2O2 –> H2O + O2)
  3. What is the purpose of KI? (Hint: it does not partake in the reaction)

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