PE Resources

There are a multitude of resources available online relating to teaching Physical Education.

A very useful website offering printable lesson plans that can be organized and searched by sport and game concept. Uses the TGfU (Teahing Games for Understanding) Model.

Lists several sport categories and game concepts encompassed in each. Offers tips for teaching each type of activity with a focus on tactical awareness and understanding.

Physical & Health Education Canada website. Offers free resources, tools and ideas for teaching physical education.

A collection of 10 comprehensive unit plans for different sports from PHE Canada.

A multitude of fun ideas for games in PE classes. Focus is on younger learners.

A variety of TGfU videos from a well-known researcher and educator, James Mandigo.

If you are in need of lesson plans for specific sports, there are thousands of very detailed PDFs available online that can be found through a search engine like google. The internet is a powerful tool that has changed the very face of education and will continue to do so into the future.

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