What are you thinking when you just read the title above? Stop thinking what you are thinking, it is not something sick-minded. You may think that this is only a random ice cream flavor that is sold in a random gelato store in downtown Vancouver. You are wrong, it is the latest flavor from the one of biggest American ice cream company Ben & Jerry.
Analyzing the current business portfolio is indeed important to a company’s growth. Ben & Jerry who has over 50 flavors in there product line, has to think of how to keep adding value into their brand and ice cream. Thinking about what I learnt from class, this innovative flavor ice cream is one of the latest Strategic Business Units invented by Ben & Jerry.
Using the BCG growth-share matrix, this product can be ploted under the “Question Mark” category. Why? If you look closely to the package, it says “limited batch” which fulfill the low share characteristic of this category
One of the lastest blogs from Adweek has revealed that some moms have wrote a protest letter that “the vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive.” Is this SBU still attractive? In my opinion, this has created a buzz in the group of young adult consumers by implying some sex appeals. However, the feedback from macroenvironment (demographic and social) tries to phase out the product.
Was this product a failure? No, this is a great way to produce it in limited batch to test the water. Ben & Jerry only need to take an in-depth look into the macroenvironment when they put their new SBUs in to the market. The new flavor “American Dream” may take the advantage in the cultural environment, attracting customers through a national pride.
