Posted by: | 25th Sep, 2010

Social Media Campaigns

So I was checking out lists of some of the top marketing blogs out there and I discovered PSFK. I don’t know much about them but it appears PSFK is a well-respected marketing/consulting firm that uses the blog to promote itself and of it’s services.

Anyway, one of the posts I was reading – Why Social Media Campaigns Fail was pretty interesting. *Note: the research was actually done by the Brand Science Institute and not PSFK
Some of their findings (bolded parts taken directly from the article)

81% of companies surveyed lacked a clear social media strategy
-I guess it’s not surprising many companies are trying to dive into using social media since there are so many users across Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, but it’ seems like there aren’t many models or frameworks (something like CDSTEP) that helps describe social media campaigns specifically

73% of social media projects had to demonstrate their financial return after 12 months
-Again, not surprising, everything has an ROI, and every company that jumped into social media are looking for returns before this platform gets saturated, dominated, or obsolete.

72% thought social media must be viral
-To be honest, if you asked me a few days ago, I would have sided with the 72%, I did think social media must be viral. (eg. the Old Spice Youtube videos)

68% had never heard of the 90-9-1 principle, which states that most people online are viewers, vs. participants: 1% of people create content, 9% edit or modify that content, and 90% view the content without contributing
-I’ve never heard of it either, but it seems realistic. I guess I do fall in the 9%, but while I’m not blogging or uploading my piano covers on Youtube, I’m pretty much always part of the “view the content without contributing” group.

So to wrap it up, I know I won’t enjoy having ads spammed on my various social media accounts (I mean, how often do people enjoy the idea of TV commercials? With a few exceptions of course). The only thing that may be advantageous to social media campaigns versus a TV commercial is how the user may have some degree of meaningful interaction. Some examples would probably include designing your own shoe on Nike, or how Youtube comments may get responded by the Old Spice guy.

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