Posted by: | 23rd Oct, 2010

The Food Experiment

So this week’s post will probably be a bit shorter than usual as it’s right in the midst of my midterms (Econ and Accounting next week L ) Anyway, the video I came across this week was a scene from Jamie Oliver’s show Food Revolution. He is basically a chef who advocates healthy eating and this skit is about an experiment he does with kids

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Basically these kids perceive the patty shape as being delicious and this perception actually overrides their knowledge that the patties were made from “bad” meat. So how can we solve this problem? How big of a problem is it?

If we look at the 3 components of attitude, cognitively, they KNOW the patties came from the gunk of the chicken, but affectively, they’re happy to eat the chicken. Would it be right to act on their behavioural component? Perhaps restrict them from eating it?

I also wonder how much Marketing could be at fault here, but is it really their fault for promoting gross food as happy, delicious food? What ethical lines are there and have they been crossed?

I hope the video enlightens you because I didn’t actually know how processed meat is actually processed until watching this video. I only had the impression they were “bad” for you.

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