Posted by: | 27th Nov, 2010

Harry Potter

As most of you know the new Harry Potter movie has been out for a week or so, but I still haven’t taken the time to watch it yet =.= Anyway I’ve come across a couple of music videos related to Harry Potter and thought I would share it here (and ultimately dedicate my post to HP).
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I’m sure there are a lot more, but the Harry Potter brand definitely has a lot of advocates who are willing to spend their spare time making videos just like the above ones.
By summer next year though, the 8th movie will be out and the original series will be over. It’ll be really interesting to see what happens after… will the studios find ways to milk the brand for more money? How long will it be before they redo the whole series?
I hope after finals, I’ll find the time to watch it (I’m not actually a super big fan) and perhaps maybe re-watch 5 and 6 before watching 7 (it’s been too long since I’ve watched them so my memory’s a bit fuzzy).
To end my post, I have another vid, it’s actually quite old and most people will have already seen it, but it’s just another example of fan advocacy from one of the earlier Harry Potter movies
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