RIM faces more hard times

by Tom Tang

Unboxing RIM BlackBerry Bold Smartphone

Research in Motion has long been considered a leading company in telecommunications devices with its innovative Blackberry but the recent times have seen a massive downturn for the Canadian company. With its new Playbook only selling a dismal 200,000 units and its signature blackberry losing out to Apple’s IPhone in the last quarter, things are looking bleak for its future. Public faith in the company has also been shaken with the laying off of 2,000 of its employees and the record low stock price of $21.52. The main problem that RIM is facing is their previously lucrative market now oversaturated with Android and Apple products offering more attractive alternatives than the once dominant Blackberry.  The lack of Points of Difference RIM products have relative to its competitors simply means that Blackberry is losing relevance in consumer minds. In order for the company to pull itself out of its slump they will have to improve on their product positioning by releasing innovative new product far before its competitors like Apple of HTC or simply offer an alternative that has enough PoD to offset its late entry. Without change and innovation it is hard to see RIM survive in its oversaturated market.