Occupy Can Talk the Talk, But Can It Walk the Walk? (Classmate Blog Response)

by Tom Tang

Given that the rise recent humdrum of the 99% and occupy Wall Street movement has migrated to Vancouver, our city has been wondering about handle this uncomfortable situation. As illustrated by Nathan’s blog, theses protesters are “occupying” against the perceived growing corporate domination of politics. Despite the fact that the New York protests have been fraught with civil unrest and police brutality, Vancouver’s demonstrations outside the art gallery have been relatively peaceful so far. Still the question remains of how to deal with protesters who are unlawfully squatting on city land.

To solve this dilemma Vancouver politicians have come up with the ingenious idea of fighting back with taxation. Since the art gallery land is premium real estate, as soon as it is occupied the annual property taxes the protesters would have to pay would be $57,000. I see this as a great way to lawfully and peacefully make the protesters understand that it businesses and government have every right to defend themselves and fight back. Much of the protester’s demands are based on idealist principles that are based on the recession and I think taxation will be a good slap in the face to wake them back to reality.