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The Poster Boy of Entrepreneurship

If any person and company have exemplified entrepreneurship in the recent times, it would be Mark Zuckerberg and breakthrough company Facebook. From its humble roots as an online website connecting Harvard students to the multi-billion dollar company that is used in almost every corner of the globe, Facebook is an astounding example of how far […]

Unemployed, Unhappy, and …. Educated?

  As I get closer and closer to finishing my first term at Sauder, I’ve been thinking more about where I want my degree to take me in the future. As I was reading my classmates’ blogs, Chloe Chow’s blog addressed one of the big issues nagging in the back of my head: What will […]

In the End Everything Fades Away (Response To Online Blog)

Remember the good ol’ days of going to the print shop to develop your photos or actually having to taking quality into consideration before snapping a shot? Well now an era is drawing to an end for the company whose name had become synonymous with all things photographic. It’s sad time for the Kodak when […]

Occupy Can Talk the Talk, But Can It Walk the Walk? (Classmate Blog Response)

Given that the rise recent humdrum of the 99% and occupy Wall Street movement has migrated to Vancouver, our city has been wondering about handle this uncomfortable situation. As illustrated by Nathan’s blog, theses protesters are “occupying” against the perceived growing corporate domination of politics. Despite the fact that the New York protests have been […]

European Union Is Showing Little Unity

Recently all eyes have been on the EU and the member countries` deadlock on how to approach its sovereign debt crisis. The proposed $100 billion dollar bailout package has been plagued by the lack of support from key EU countries that refuse to lend their support for this titanic bailout. As Stephen’s blog points out, unfair burden of […]

Japan moves in on China

While U.S the recent economic downturn nearly sent the big 3 American automakers to their demise, Japanese automakers picked up the slack to capitalize on the opportunity. Now as the new competitors such as the Koreans and Germans are moving in to follow the Japanese focus on economical yet stylish automobiles, the Japanese automakers must […]

Showdown Between the East and West

America and China are each others biggest trading partners but a new development in Sino-American relations now appear to have soured this relationship. Lawmakers in America have opened up debate on a bill that would appreciate the Chinese Yuan in relation to America Dollars. This currency bill arises from allegations that the low value of […]

Another Year, Another IPhone

It seems like these days there’s a new iteration of Apple’s juggernaut IPhone released at this time of the year. So far consumers have stood behind the product, gobbled up every new model, and made it the one of the single biggest smartphone sellers. In the face of growing competition by the plethora of smartphones […]

RIM faces more hard times

Research in Motion has long been considered a leading company in telecommunications devices with its innovative Blackberry but the recent times have seen a massive downturn for the Canadian company. With its new Playbook only selling a dismal 200,000 units and its signature blackberry losing out to Apple’s IPhone in the last quarter, things are […]

The Greek economy is beginning to reek real bad

In the recent global recession, no country has been as hard hit or had so much publicity as Greece. With its recent scandal of bailouts, riots, and now a growing possibility of insolvency looming on the horizon, many of Greece’s closest economical allies are starting to lose confidence in the nation. Despite the government’s best […]

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