Facebook Marketing

Posted by: | October 12, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I believe that everyone, if not most of us have Facebook. It is currently the largest social networking website. According to statistics, if it is considered as a country, Facebook is the third (or fourth) largest country in the world with the amount of users reaching 3 billion. Well, my statistics might be wrong as I regurgitate everything out from my rusty memory.

Does anyone heard before Facebook is actually the agent of FBI? I am not sure whether if this is true but it is from what I have heard.  Chris is absolutely right to point out that the information in Facebook is hardly private. Who knows Facebook works for FBI(an assumption) and provide information to them? Facebook can also serve as the platform for consumer database since it has so much personal information about the users. Yes, there is the privacy settings but wouldn’t you be suspecting that the Facebook would use our information to certain extent. Of course, not all the information we put in Facebook is the truth.

Also, we have a lot of advertisement on Facebook. I believe those advertisements are targeted to us because of our internet domain or based on the information of our account. A country’s product advertisement wouldn’t simply appear in another country’s user’s account. Sometimes, such advertisement are just annoying but I understand Facebook depend on the revenue to sustain its operation. Not only Facebook, every single online website has advertisement! Marketing is really invading our life! Hotmail, google, Yahoo, News Website all do this!

Have you ever seen someone trying to market their products in Facebook? Do you think that is an abuse? I seriously hate those people advertising products on Facebook. To me, it is akin to you are trying to make advantage of your friends to persuade them to buy your products. I don’t know how others feel but I do feel it is a disrespect towards me if my friend keeps posting the advertisement. I have deleted a friend who did so because I am fed up with her advertisement keeps appearing in my news feed. I do feel irritated by such people. But fortunately, most of my friends are not like her. 


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