Online Survey

Posted by: | October 25, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Just wanna share some experience with everyone. I believe most people are currently doing the marketing assignment number 2. The method which I am using is online survey. So, in textbook it is mentioned that internet survey has higher response rate. However, I find the contrary is true.

Me and my group members have posted the survey on our profile page and there are only about 22 ppl responding out of the 1000 over friends that we have. To be frank, I think only those who are my ‘real’ and ‘close’ friends would go and do the survey, the rest find no incentive to do it. In chinese, we call that ‘guanxi’ relationship, which determine whether do people go and do the survey.

If I have done a paper survey, it would be much faster as people tend to do the survey for we ask them to do. Most importantly, they would feel bad for rejecting us. Haha.

That is why UBC always offer Starbucks giftcard etc for those who are doing the survey. But it is only the chance to win the card. Well, a good tactic to attract ‘materialistic’ people for me to do it but not tempting enough. In fact, the gift card company like Starbucks would gain as people tend to buy more than the value of the gift card as consumers assume they already earn the value of the giftcard!

So I would suggest prof Tamer to rebut the content of the textbook. Perhaps my blog post can be used as clarification. Haha =D


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