
Posted by: | November 5, 2010 | Leave a Comment

As we have learnt before, place is one of the marketing mix out of the 4P. At the first look, you might think that it is not of any great importance and we always treat the presence of products for granted. Till I realise that Nestle’s breakfast cereals is not present in Vancouver or Canada in general, I find this P is so important.

My group mate posted an interesting post of great concern to me. So despite finishing my ‘quota’ of 1 post per week, I have decide to post another writing because of her relevant post to me. We are both the fans of Nestle Coco Crunch and Honey Stars. I seldom post picture in my blog but I just wanna prove it to everyone that I actually brought Honey star and Cococrunch back here (if u are wondering what they are, they are breakfast cereals)

my favourite breakfast cereal!

I have always taken it for granted that there are those two products everywhere till I come here. There are few cereals that I am really interested in here. At most, I would take corn pop but that is not good enough comparison for Cococrunch and Honey Stars. I think Kellogs have probably dominated the market. One word of advice to Nestle would be to distribute those two awesome products here!! I have to fill in 3 quarter of my luggage for 9 packets of Cococrunch and Honey Stars considering they are not available in Vancouver. I would do the same next year too.

I have always wonder why wouldn’t Nestle distribute the products in Canada? They certainly have potential markets as from what I have realised, there are not much breakfast cereals options in Canada, at least Vancouver.


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