Going Green

Posted by: | November 13, 2010 | Leave a Comment


The above link is the report of one of the states in Malaysia (yes, i m from Malaysia) going to add one more day to their no plastic bag campaign. It works exactly the same as in BC where people have to pay for the plastics bag if they didn’t bring their recycling bag with them on the no plastic bag day.

I believe that humans are always passive. They need to be forced or punished in order to do something. If the campaign is voluntary, seriously I don’t believe people would bring use recycling bag. This is human though. We tend to take things for granted. Like me, I tend use the plastic bag given by Safeway although I brought my recycling bag. This is mainly because I need to use the bags for my dustbin. So I am just being clean rather than not environmental friendly. Haha =).

But I brought the recycling bag with me when I am shopping at T n T. This is mainly because if not, I would be charged. Meanwhile, some of my friends are heckcare about it. Nonetheless, I think it is right for shopping complex impose fees for plastic bags to discourage plastic bag usage. I believe this is one of the concern to marketing as well as I realized there is marketing sustainability courses taught by Tamar too. I think is Comm 300 ish… Let’s preserve our environment!


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