For the love of Pinterest & Geography

Procrastination is always best when it involves do-it-yourself (DIY) inspiration and Kate Middleton photograph collecting, that’s why the universe created Pinterest.Pinterest Boards Some of my Pinterest board collections. Follow me as ericafromcanada.

As it turns out, there are many cool things you can do with maps during periods of procrastination. Too bad Google Maps, as wonderful as it is, has made paper maps a “thing of the past.” Here are some examples of some mappy do-it-yourselfers from my “Projects” board.

State, territory, or province love

More maps and love inside picture frames

And then there was this guy (below), that inspired me to illustrate my road trip through New Zealand and to have it framed! The first picture is from Pinterest, the second is from my iPhone after it was complete. Wonderfully, it wasn’t a Pinterest fail.

Road trip

DIY Project, complete.

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