Sweet Parsnips

In my tutorial today, my professor asked the dreaded question “what do you want to do when you grow up?”. Thankfully he started at the back of the class because if he had started with me, I’m sure I would have blurted out “open a bakery” instead of stammering “I’m not sure”. I panicked. How does everyone else know what they want? I mean seriously! I don’t even know what I want to make for dinner! Well, I guess I could start with that. I mean one problem at a time, right?!

Sweet Parsnips

  • Parsnips (I used four because that is what I had in the fridge. It made quite a lot.)
  • Olive oil
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • drizzle of honey

As per usual, this recipe is pretty simple. Partly because I was hungry and super tired.

Begin by preheating the oven to about 400F, with a rack in the centre-bottomish slot. Wash and peel the parsnips, then cut the parsnips in half, and then into strips, like you are making carrot sticks. Toss in a tiny bit of olive oil and sprinkle a little salt on top. Place them in a pan that can go in the oven and evenly spread the brown sugar over the parsnips.

Cook them for about ten minutes before giving them a stir and drizzling some honey over them. The cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of your parsnips and the temperature of your oven. You want them tender on the inside and a little crisp on the outside. If they aren’t crisping up on the outside (mine weren’t), then turn the broiler on and move the pan up to the top shelf. If you do this, you MUST watch them carefully! It is super easy to burn things under the broiler. Like super easy.

Happy eating!


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