Posted by: | 7th Sep, 2010

Random Trip Memory #3 -the Sourtoe

The sourtoe cocktail club is a strange Dawson city tradition of sorts. You can be inducted in the Sourdough bar in the Downtown Hotel (where we stayed) between 9 and 11 each night by an entertaining fellow known as the captain. The original captain has now retired and moved to Whitehorse. You can buy his rather odd memoirs/biography throughout the Yukon. From what I gather, the original captain got to bragging about his navigation skill shortly after his arrival in Dawson. The locals got a bit tired of his boasting and decided to play a bit of a prank by getting him to drink a cocktail with a preserved human toe in it by telling him that all true captains of the area had to perform this task (the toe was provided by a fellow who’d cut it off to prevent gangrene from spreading and had kept it as a reminder to himself). Apparently this caught on and now there are something upwards of 38,000 inductees (my membership number is 38249). I may be butchering the tale a bit, but here are the photos of our induction (toe must touch your lips for the drink to count).

The new Captain is a highly entertaining fellow. During the day he actually takes folks on backcountry hiking tours.




Well done!

I’ve tried explaining to people here about the awsomeness of the club, but they don’t understand it.

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