Archive for January, 2011

UFC Gains More Than 60,000 “Likes” On Facebook After Weekend Event

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

A few weeks ago Dana White and the UFC announced that they would be streaming non televised prelim fights live on Facebook. After initially booking 2 fights to be shown, the idea was reconsidered and an additional 2 more fights were added to the experimental ploy. So what did viewers have to do to watch […]

Starbucks Introduces New Drink Size

Monday, January 17th, 2011

As if a Venti size wasn’t big enough for all the coffee lovers out there. Starbucks has just announced its marketing ploy to introduce the new size ‘Trenta’ (31 ounces as opposed to the Venti, only 24 ounces) throughout the United States. After much success in what Starbuck’s refers to as the testing phase in […]

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