Sheen Marketing Ploy
by traviscrowe ~ March 9th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.In the world of entertainment, the last two weeks have been completely seized by the great Charlie Sheen and his unorthodox antics. Charlie Sheen admitting to his Cocaine addiction hasn’t even been the most exciting headline, that goes to his new found love for #winning. By revealing to the public his particular situation, and through the means of the most bizarre come back story, it seems as though society has opened up to Sheen.
If one were to follow the activity of Sheen over the last two weeks they would know, he has not only become one of the faces of twitter, trending, on what seems to be a daily occurrence, but also has put out videos with certain products in them in what some are calling a marketing stint.
Could the man really be this smart, or just desperate. By publicly becoming the figurehead and leader of, the most out of control celebrities, he has been able to take over the social media world. By utilizing this luxury he has supposedly started his own marketing stint in which companies are paying him to promote their product. This is evident in the twitter photo that reveals Sheen promoting DIRECTV. Further more Sheen has started his own radio show. I tuned into the very first show last week and was not overly shocked when the first ten minutes were devoted to promoting sponsors and the rest of the show, discussing #winning. In some degree Charlie Sheen is #winning, he has successfully established his own brand, albeit it is on a very thin line that is seperating crazy from genius. Regardless it would be ignorant to ignore the fact that Sheen has started his own self employed marketing ploy that continues to see growth day after day.