Rain City Essential

by traviscrowe ~ April 5th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Link to Rain City Essential: http://rcessential.blogspot.com/

Blogging…It was an unknown for me coming into Comm 296, I had always known about them and heard of people writing blogs but never figured myself to take part. This term things completely changed. At the beginning, I found myself almost being forced to write a blog just so I could attain a percentage of a mark. It wasn’t overly stimulating nor did I really take anything away from it. Little did I know that by applying something you love to the blog you write on is the most effective way to become a proficient blogger.

About 3 weeks ago I created my 3rd blog with the intention of making it as big as possible. Rain City Essential, an Electronic Dance Music blog was just an idea, and I was just an amateur blogger using basic tools to format and post. I instantly fell in love with the idea of putting up posts of my favourite artists and allowing my friends, as well as others view my blog and give feedback. Gradually I felt the desire to make it more official, and so I began experimenting by adding different “widgets” and changing the coding to personalize my blog. All of this was completely new to me, but the desire I felt and the satisfaction I knew I would have once the blog was perfect would be worth all the hard work.

Soon enough I started using social media as a tool to promote the blog, and what happened next I could have never imagined. I began receiving hits from all over the world, and DJ’s and fans alike started following the blog on Twitter. It has gone as far as receiving messages on Facebook, as well as in person about how much people enjoy the site. I plan on continuing to grow the site purely for the enjoyment of knowing others want to listen and read it. It is prudent to suggest that I owe it all to Elaine and Comm 296 for “forcing” me to start blogging. It has made all the difference.

1 Response to Rain City Essential

  1.   ewilliamson

    Glad to hear it, T. See, there is value to what you teach you in B school.

    Good luck with the rest of your degree. Stay in touch.


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