
First author publications:

Salway T, Morgan J, Ferlatte O, Hawkins B, Lachowsky NJ, Gilbert M. A systematic review of characteristics of nonprobability community venue samples of sexual minority individuals and associated methods for assessing selection bias. LGBT Health 2019;e-pub.

Salway T, Plöderl M, Liu J, Gustafson P. Effects of multiple forms of information bias on estimated prevalence of suicide attempts by sexual orientation: An application of a Bayesian misclassification correction method to data from a systematic review. Am J Epidemiol 2019;188(1):239-249.

Salway T, Ross LE, Fehr CP, Burley J, Asadi S, Hawkins B, Tarasoff LA. A systematic review and meta-analysis of disparities in the prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt among bisexual populations. Arch Sex Behav 2019;48(1):89-111.

Salway T, Thomson K, Taylor D, Haag D, Elliot E, Wong T, Fairley CK, Grennan T, Shoveller J, Ogilvie G, Gilbert M. Post-test comparison of HIV test knowledge and changes in sexual risk behaviour between clients accessing HIV testing online versus in-clinic. Sex Transm Infect 2019;95(2):151-156. 

Salway T, Ferlatte O, Shoveller J, Purdie A, Grennan T, Tan DHS, Consolacion T, Rich AJ, Dove N, Samji H, Scott K, Blackwell E, Mirau D, Holgerson N, Wong J, Gilbert M. The Need and desire for mental health and substance use-related services among clients of publicly funded sexually transmitted infection clinics in Vancouver, Canada. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2019;25(3):E1-E10.

Salway T, Ferlatte O, Purdie A, Shoveller J, Trussler T, Gilbert M. Healthcare engagement among gay and bisexual men with recent suicide ideation or attempts. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2018;88(6):713-722.

Salway T, Gesink D. Constructing and expanding suicide narratives from gay men. Qual Health Res 2018;28(11):1788-1801.

Salway T, Gesink D, Ibrahim S, Ferlatte O, Rhodes AE, Brennan DJ, Marchand R, Trussler T. Evidence of multiple mediating pathways in associations between constructs of stigma and self-reported suicide attempts in a cross-sectional study of gay and bisexual men. Arch Sex Behav 2018;47(4):1145-1161.

Salway Hottes T*, Bogaert L, Rhodes AE, Brennan DJ, Gesink D. Lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts among sexual minority adults by study sampling strategies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Public Health 2016;106(5):921.

Salway Hottes T*, Gesink D, Ferlatte O, Brennan DJ, Rhodes AE, Marchand R, Trussler T. Concealment of sexual minority identities in interviewer-administered surveys and its impact on estimates of suicide ideation among bisexual and gay men. J Bisex 2016;16(4):427-453.

Salway Hottes T*, Ferlatte O, Gesink D. Suicide and HIV as leading causes of death among gay and bisexual men: A comparison of estimated mortality and published research. Crit Public Health 2015;25(5):513-26.

Salway Hottes T*, Ferlatte O, Gilbert M. Misclassification and undersampling of sexual minorities in population surveys (Letter to the editor). Am J Public Health 2015;105(1):e5.

Salway Hottes T*, Lester RT, Hoang LM, McKay R, Imperial M, Gilbert M, Patrick D, Wong T, Martin I, Ogilvie G. Cephalosporin and azithromycin susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates by site of infection, British Columbia, 2006 to 2011. Sex Transm Dis 2013;40(1):46-51.

Salway Hottes T*, Farrell J, Bondyra M, Haag D, Shoveller J, Gilbert M. Internet-based HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing in British Columbia, Canada: opinions and expectations of prospective clients. J Med Internet Res 2012;14(2):e41.

Salway Hottes T*, Gilbert M. Evaluation of online partner notification services like inSPOT requires starting with the client, not the clinic (Letter to the editor). Sex Transm Dis 2012;39(5):348.

Salway Hottes T*, Skowronski DM, Hiebert B, Janjua NZ, Roos LL, Van Caeseele P, Law BJ, De Serres G. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in the elderly based on administrative databases: change in immunization habit as a marker for bias. PLoS One 2011;6(7):e22618.

Salway Hottes T*, Bruneau J, Daniel M. Gender-specific situational correlates of syringe sharing during a single injection episode. AIDS Behav 2011;15(1):75-85.

Full list of publications: 

* publications indexed under author name “Hottes, TS” (former surname: Hottes)