Chamaecyparis lawsoniana


(image from

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Evergreen, coniferous, Cupressaceae

Common name: lawson cypress

Hardiness: 5

Mature ht and spread: 8-15 m tall, 4-7 m wide

Form: dense, conical, columnar-conic, upswept branches, pendulous tips

Conditions: full sun, moist, well drained soil, humus rich, good air circulation, tolerant of urban conditions

Leaf: dark green to blue-green overlapping scale leaves, flattened, drooping, fan like branchlets

Fall: none

Flower: none

Cone: attractive, red pollen cones in winter, spherical seed cones in fall, self mulching, valvate scales (more open but look like obtusa)

Limits: intolerant of saturated soils, seedlings susceptible to cypress root rot, can be grafted

Suitable uses: specimen, accent if grafted, slab or container

Native to: mtns of southwest Oregon, northwestern California

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