(image from wikimedia.commons.org)
Sequoiadendron giganteum
Evergreen, coniferous, Cupressaceae
Common name: giant sequoia, sierra redwood
Hardiness: 6
Mature ht and spread: 8-18 m tall, 8-10 m wide
Form: broad, conical, horizontal, lateral branches
Conditions: full sun, moist, well drained, deep soil, open space, drought and heat tolerant, fire resistant/adapted
Leaf: aromatic, spirally arranged, overlapping, awl shaped, green-blue green leaves
Fall: none
Flower: none
Cone: needs heat to release seeds, ovoid, produced in clusters at branchlet tip
Limits: intolerant of cold winds, aerosol pollutants
Suitable uses: specimen, accent, grove
Native to: central California