Apple Iphone China

Is it really fair? Apple has found a weak spot in the technology world and are exploiting it. It is definitely not the most ethical decision Apple has ever made but they are desperate to win over the business that Chinese mobile companies have to offer. China has always been ground zero for the iPhone and they are built there. But for the new iPhone coming out it will be noticeably cheaper for people in North America. Apple is hoping that with this outrageous price and peoples demand for the smartphone, China mobile will be pressured into offering Apple a contract deal which has rumoured that a overall price discount will be made for China mobiles customers.






Although it is a smart business decision for Apple I don’t think it is the greatest. Drastically increasing the price of a smartphone that is already having declining stock shares compared to the other smartphone companies is a little too aggressive. Until Apple decides to come out with a smartphone that is more realistically priced for the middle class/low end incomes, they will not be back in the market to compete with their massive rival companies.

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