RIM’s Blackberry Going Private

Maybe it could be from the dismal stock shares, maybe from the one billion dollar loss last quarter; maybe it is simply that the product in consumers minds just isn’t comparable to the competitors. Whatever the reason, last week Blackberry a product of RIM, made the first step in going private. The company in which they are currently in a diligence period with is FairFax Financial Holdings Limited. They have been offered nine dollars per share or 4.7 billion. Yes this is more value than blackberry has for their share right now but with how poorly the company has done and is projected to do, taking a step backwards could be the best decision for the struggling establishment. When I say struggling I mean eleven percent of the market share in November of 2011 and continuing to decrease even with the production of a new product line (Blackberry Z10). FairFax already owning ten percent of RIM’s Blackberry might have some inside knowledge on what could be done to better off the company. They could just be looking for 100 percent control of the company or going private and taking Blackberry off the market is all they are hopping to achieve. Either way they have put forward a fairly large financial offer on the table. The business minds over at FairFax definitely have something in plan for RIM involving either the technology or specific product of Blackberry.



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