Apple versus Samsung

I guess money always is and always will be the real issue. This seems to be the case in on-going legal issues between Apple’s IPhone and Samsung’s various smartphones.  Apple is suing Samsung for infracting on their patents of the IPhone released in 2007. It is not a question of whether they are guilty but now a matter of how much did Apple suffer financially from the infraction. Yes, this is a matter of ethics in the business community because Samsung has already done something wrong. The more interesting side of things is what they will be penalized.


 Being settled in court right now is if they should pay Apple royalties on all of their sales of the products that fall under infractions of the patents or if they should pay for the profits that would have gone to Apple if these new Samsung devices failed to exist. Apple is arguing for 379.8 million from both royalties and lost profits. In my mind I believe this is fair, to these gross companies that amount is not ridiculous but a large enough sum to mean something. I mean Samsung’s growth and exponential increase in the smartphone market only came after the copy of apples icon grid home screen and touch screen device.  All in all, one corporation is guilty and they will be covering the difference financially for their unethical behaviour.

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