
Finding or creating a sustainable company in today’s ecofriendly demand is more than half the battle when it comes to starting a successful company. Now doing this without creating harm to the environment is even harder. This is what Farris Farrag is now doing with an “aquaponic” system in Egypt.






Using a completely recyclable system involving fish and water he has found a way to grow agriculture in a desert without sacrificing taste or profits. The next step of his organization will be to start using salt water from the sea. By doing this he is producing agriculture where it was normally not possible, the possibilities for his young and futuristic farms are endless. Bringing fresh produce to the middle east and a long list of other water starved countries. By creating an ecofriendly and sustainable production of a necessity, produce, the business possibilities are endless as well. This breakthrough could lead to many profitable partnerships while helping world hunger. In conclusion, Farrag started his company with the goal of a doing a social service for people and the countries that are in need and this is why his enterprise will be profitable in both the short and long term.

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