If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?


If the UN was fully funded, they would be able to fund all the projects in the world and in turn lead to a better place for everyone. However, we know that simply giving resources to places in need will allow them to grow however how long will they be able to last? This is why the Arc initiative is a valuable resource to places in South Africa because Social Enterprises such as the ARC allow ideas to be generated, skills to be enhanced and knowledge to be obtained.  Social enterprises also allows for a more specific and focused approach to places which allows for tailored knowledge and solutions based on each case compared to the UN which would have a general solution which may not be the best approach for different places in the world.

This is why overall social enterprises are a valuable resource even if the UN was full funded because the knowledge, skills and ideas generated allow for a more sustainable solution then simply full funding the operations in the area.

Response to Stav’s Blog post

In Stav’s blog post, she talks about how shops such as EB Games, Gamestop and other game retailers will begin to lose sales and become obsolete. (An example we talked about in our lecture is Blockbuster and how DVD rentals have become obsolete and replaced by services such as NetFlix). I agree with Stav’s view point on how stores such as these will become obsolete, however the time in which it will become obsolete could be longer then she thinks.


Game retailers such as these in my opinion fall under the section of just entering the maturity stage of a product/service life cycle. Even though we can see the correlation between the digital and physical demands of products in other industries,(Eg. Digital Books and Steam) Gamestop and EB Games are actively trying to regain their customer base. Apart from the points Stav have touched upon, Gamestop has also started to work with game developers in order to attain game items which can only be obtained by purchasing at certain physical retail stores. This allows the business to have a point of difference compared to purchasing digital copies of the game which allows for them to regain a competitive advantage in the market. A key factor which will lead to stores such as Gamestop to becoming obsolete is the rate in which storage technology develops. This is because with the current storage technology, gamers will only be able to download a handful of games before they are at max capacity on their storage systems(1 game is roughly 20-50GB, an average console only has 500GB-1TB worth of space),  this limits the online purchases they can make. In order for Gamestop to face the same demise as Blockbusters, the techonlogy industry would have to develop storage systems with a very large capacity. (Eg. 100TB Systems) This combats the limit of not having enough storage, my predictions is that when this new storage technology is introduced into the market, then stores such as Gamestop will have to find a unique competitive edge in order to stay in business.


Response to Rachel Abrams’s Listerine Blog Post

Rachel Abrams in her blog post talks about Listerine and its adaptation to the global market. Johnson & Johnson is trying to expand its market with customer-specific products, like alcohol-free Listerine Zero for Muslims, who eschew spirits, or Green Tea Listerine, aimed at Asians. The company has tripled its varieties since 2006. She talks about how Listerine is having a declining dominance among the domestic market compared to 2006. Therefore they have started to adapt a strategy where they have created new varieties aimed at different global markets in order to stay head of its competitors. I agree with Rachel that this is a great strategy used by Listerine to increase its market share not only locally but also worldwide. 


This is very successful from my point of view. Before coming to Canada, I would always  buy Listerine and specifically green tea or orange flavor, however when I came over to Canada i was surprised to see that Listerine did not seem to be everyone’s first choice in mouth washers here, they also had limited variety in their choices. However this did not impact my choice and i decided to stay with Listerine even when moving countries. This example shows how the implementation of new varieties into the global market has allowed Listerine to stay ahead of its competitors. This is due to the fact of increased brand recognition, awareness of local culture and needs, as well as staying with their original formulas to combat germs. This can relate to the idea which we talked about in the lecture of how sensitine has kept its same values of the years and therefore has become successful recently as the values of the company meets the wants of the customers.

Puma’s Positioning and Change in Business Goals



Puma’s new promotion with Usain Bolt

Puma as of 2014, is in third place for the sporting goods industry. They have however decided to have a change in direction of goals of the business which abandons its effort over the last two decades which focuses on fashion led consumers, this change i believe is greatly affected by its change in CEO from Jochen Zitz to Bjoern Gulde.  Gulde now wants to attempt to combat head to head with the industry giants Nike and Adidas. Does this sound like a feasible change in market goal? I believe due to Puma’s current positioning as well as their change in  market focuses should allow the business to grow faster than being a fashion led sporting goods business.

The first reason being Puma’s change in missions statement and business’s goals. From 2013’s “Puma has the long-term mission of becoming the most desirable and sustainable sports lifestyle company” to 2014’s “Puma has the long-term mission of becoming the fastest brand in the world”. This is an important directional change in the business because Puma can now utilize its assets to promote its marketing strategies. Instead of deciding to chase the football and basketball industry, they have decided to utilize their celebrity Usain Bolt, and have decided to focus on the track and field segment instead. This is a good directional change for Puma as it allows them to position themselves as a competitor for performance sporting goods, however they’re target market group would be more focused on enhancing the performances of athletes on the track, which can be considered as a market which is not currently  saturated. I believe we will see an increase in Puma sales over the next few years due to the change in market objectives for Puma, which will allow for its stocks to increase in the near future.

My thoughts on Steam’s Success


Steam is an internet based platform which sells and distributes games over the internet.  There are many reasons for the success of this creation by Valve, however i mainly want to touch upon the operations and business technology management aspect of the business. When revisiting the ideas on Operations, we talked about how dell was able to become successful due to removing a process in distribution, this concept applies directly to Steam. Similar to Dell, Steam bypasses the need for a retailer in between the developers of the games and shops such as GameStop and EB Games, not only will this save time for the customer but also allow for a larger variety of selection as having everything online negates the need for inventory space. They have also been so successful as we can already see examples such as digital books becoming more and more popular and accessible to the users which generates more revenue through the ease of access.

The second reason is because of its business technology management, by having everything digitized, Steam will be able to track the purchases of users and therefore forecast trends of different games which helps with the purchasing of titles on the platform, not to mention with its recent release of” Steam GreenLight“, this allows the customers to choose what they want to be on the store, it also helps smaller developers bridge the gap between customers allowing for a more community based experienced which draws in multiple customer bases. 

Response to Cassandra’s Blog (Pepsi)

In response to Cassandra’s blog post on Pepsi, she stated that “Pepsi has positioned itself as a follower and repositions the competition.”, I believe this is a valid view point in the stance Pepsi is trying take. However i would have to disagree with her, Pepsi is definitely trying to take on Coke as the main competitor for the “coke” drink. We can see for example in this advertisement.

The Real deal

In this ad, we can see Pepsi’ trying to market itself as the main soft drink choice of consumers, however coke quickly decided to come up with a response to this advertisement by saying “Everyone wants to be a hero”. It is clear that Pepsi is trying to directly compete with Coca Cola instead of being a follower. The main reason Coca Cola is able to lead the soft drink industry is because of its decision to create multiple products related to the Coca Cola company instead of focusing on the “coke” drink like Pepsi. With Coca Cola, they have created Vitamin Water and other products which help to increase the brand image of the company not only from the Coca Cola point of view but also from a soft drink point of view which i believe is the reason Coke is able to trump Pepsi in the soft drink industry.

The Rights of the First Nations or Enbridge


In the heart of Nak’azdli territory, there is a steely resolve — the people are firmly against Northern Gateway

In the article, the Nak’azdli people have said that they will not want the pipelines to be built into their homeland,  they are most worried about the effect an oil spill would have on sockeye salmon and the Nechako white sturgeon as it may damage their livelihood. From my point of view i think the Nak’azdli people shoulder consider their traditions and roots or the future of their people. This can be seen as an external factor relating to the business because of how it is not within the control of the business. Even though i think the people in BC would side with the Nak’azdli people and agree that not building the pipeline is the right decisions, this will greatly affect the economy in the short run as many opportunity to do business aboard through oil is missed, however i believe in the long run this is benefiting BC as it still has its valuable resources when needed as well as helping to preserve the environment. As we see the world slowly starting to move towards a more environmentally aware. I think instead of just trying to mine out the oil, they should try and invest in renewable energy sources as it is a better alternative to building the pipes and it doesn’t interrupt with the Nak’azdli people.


Source: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/There+will+pipeline/10122968/story.html

The End of a Japanese animation era? Studio Ghibli



“Recent Annoucement on the retirement of CEO Hayao Mizayaki”

Studio Ghibli is a japanese animation move company which is famous for movies such as Totoro and Howling’s Moving Castle. Over the last few months, their CEO and director of masterpieces Hayao Miyzaki has decided to retire, Miyzaki was known for creating the story of the animated movie on the spot, it wasn’t scripted before hand and was created during the production of the films. When Miyzaki retired, this not only brought about a sadness to the fan base as well as the movie goers but this always created a huge challenge for Studio Ghibli.  Why you might be asking? First off, with the retirement of Miyizaki, they will not able to create movies without a script or have the flair they previously posses to create these compelling stories, from my point of view they would have lots a little of their competitive advantage in the industry. Not to mention the company has decided to reconstruct the entire production division as well as move production to other countries, i believe that outsourcing the production to different countries in Asia is not a smart move by Studio Ghibli, they were known for having their unique Japanese feeling to their production and even though outsourcing the production to other countries may be cheaper, it may lose its position in the market as the leading animation company because they may lose their uniqueness in the transition to other countries.




Microsoft pushes for Windows 10 and Skips 9


With the realease of Windows 8, many of the Windows users were unsatisfied with the adjustments made to their operating systems. Many have claimed that the radical change in behavior needed for Windows 8 has caused them to revert back to over versions of Windows, it has reduced the market share of Windows by a small margin.  The main goal of Windows 8 was allow the operating system to be easily integrated between mobile devices as well as computers, however with this change it started to alienate PC users and therefore started reduced its market share by a little.  With the new operating system being announced recently, Microsoft has tried to step back from the radical redesign that alienated PC users as it may has disrupted many essential features in the old version of windows which was the easy to use interface and the comfort of having the same format for its Operating System.

I believe the move to quickly implement the new operating system for windows was a smart move by the company, it tries to fix its previous issues while trying to quickly maintain its brand image and value. The marketing strategy to skip Windows 9 and head straight for Windows 10 is a good idea,  it not only tries to fix the problem with the old Windows but also tries to create a sense of innovation and new generation with the implentation of the number 10 to repair its brand image and regain its market shares.





Amazon purchases Twitch.TV for 1Billion


Amazon has just confirmed their purchase of the online streaming site, Twitch TV. TwitchTV to those who do not know is the largest streaming platform for games on the internet, people from all around the world stream from their computers so that other games can easily watch and learn games from the streamer. This 21st century phenomena has seen a large spike in its viewership over the past 5 years.  Large events such as the League of Legends World Championship, and the DOTA 2 World Championship has seen viewing numbers even higher then large sporting events such as the NBA Finals as well as the SuperBowl.  Some of the famous streamers have even confirmed to be making 6 digit salaries by simply streaming their games.

In my opinion, Amazon’s purchase of Twitch.TV for 1 billion dollars is a smart move towards future entertainment, companies such as Netflix have seen a rise in popularity over recent years. Especially with the newer generations focusing their time on computers and the internet, we can see how the younger generations gear themselves towards watching shows and games online rather then the TV at home. Amazon will not only be able to efficiently capture a large range of audiences but they have opened our many opportunities for the viewing platforms in the future as we see the entertainment industry slowly shift towards a more technology focused future.





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