The Rights of the First Nations or Enbridge


In the heart of Nak’azdli territory, there is a steely resolve — the people are firmly against Northern Gateway

In the article, the Nak’azdli people have said that they will not want the pipelines to be built into their homeland,  they are most worried about the effect an oil spill would have on sockeye salmon and the Nechako white sturgeon as it may damage their livelihood. From my point of view i think the Nak’azdli people shoulder consider their traditions and roots or the future of their people. This can be seen as an external factor relating to the business because of how it is not within the control of the business. Even though i think the people in BC would side with the Nak’azdli people and agree that not building the pipeline is the right decisions, this will greatly affect the economy in the short run as many opportunity to do business aboard through oil is missed, however i believe in the long run this is benefiting BC as it still has its valuable resources when needed as well as helping to preserve the environment. As we see the world slowly starting to move towards a more environmentally aware. I think instead of just trying to mine out the oil, they should try and invest in renewable energy sources as it is a better alternative to building the pipes and it doesn’t interrupt with the Nak’azdli people.



The End of a Japanese animation era? Studio Ghibli



“Recent Annoucement on the retirement of CEO Hayao Mizayaki”

Studio Ghibli is a japanese animation move company which is famous for movies such as Totoro and Howling’s Moving Castle. Over the last few months, their CEO and director of masterpieces Hayao Miyzaki has decided to retire, Miyzaki was known for creating the story of the animated movie on the spot, it wasn’t scripted before hand and was created during the production of the films. When Miyzaki retired, this not only brought about a sadness to the fan base as well as the movie goers but this always created a huge challenge for Studio Ghibli.  Why you might be asking? First off, with the retirement of Miyizaki, they will not able to create movies without a script or have the flair they previously posses to create these compelling stories, from my point of view they would have lots a little of their competitive advantage in the industry. Not to mention the company has decided to reconstruct the entire production division as well as move production to other countries, i believe that outsourcing the production to different countries in Asia is not a smart move by Studio Ghibli, they were known for having their unique Japanese feeling to their production and even though outsourcing the production to other countries may be cheaper, it may lose its position in the market as the leading animation company because they may lose their uniqueness in the transition to other countries.


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