My thoughts on Steam’s Success


Steam is an internet based platform which sells and distributes games over the internet.  There are many reasons for the success of this creation by Valve, however i mainly want to touch upon the operations and business technology management aspect of the business. When revisiting the ideas on Operations, we talked about how dell was able to become successful due to removing a process in distribution, this concept applies directly to Steam. Similar to Dell, Steam bypasses the need for a retailer in between the developers of the games and shops such as GameStop and EB Games, not only will this save time for the customer but also allow for a larger variety of selection as having everything online negates the need for inventory space. They have also been so successful as we can already see examples such as digital books becoming more and more popular and accessible to the users which generates more revenue through the ease of access.

The second reason is because of its business technology management, by having everything digitized, Steam will be able to track the purchases of users and therefore forecast trends of different games which helps with the purchasing of titles on the platform, not to mention with its recent release of” Steam GreenLight“, this allows the customers to choose what they want to be on the store, it also helps smaller developers bridge the gap between customers allowing for a more community based experienced which draws in multiple customer bases. 

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