First Nations Land Effects on Expansion


Land is an extremely important part of a company’s progression and expansion, especially when the company relies heavily on natural resources. However, environmental impact concerns and mother nature play a big role in determining if a potential business succeeds. The Taseko Mines Ltd.’s is a mining company that has had recent plans of expansion due to potential profits gained through gold and copper mining. This land in question is currently just outside the Tsilhqot’in region of Chilcotin. There has now been official word of an unveiling on Oct 4th that gives the Tsilhqot’in people 1,750 square km of land, collapsing the mine site into the new Tsilhqot’in region. 

This is a major concern for the Taseko Mine company and their business plan. They now have limited resources for expansion, thus putting their entire operation in jeporady. The government of British Columbia has supported the Tsilhqot’in and other first nations groups in their efforts in preserving their land and environment, even though Taseko have been finding massive amounts of copper and gold in the Fish Lake area. This means that any assumptions made by the mining company to expand, are now completely useless, and they now must reconstruct their whole business plan. In the future, companies such as Taseko Mines should focus more on the potential road blocks and prepare for the worst case scenario, as opposed to assuming possession of land for future expansion. They must account for environmental impacts and plan on putting the environment first.


Controversial “Fracking” in New Brunswick

Gas Drilling Western Politics

Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep inside the earth. Fracking is a recent technology advancement in the oil and gas industry, but has come under a lot of fire in New Brunswick and other eastern provinces. Fracking has been discouraged by environmentalists because they believe it is not environmentally safe. Some say that if the process of fracking is not executed in a proper way, it can cause pollution and damage to our environment. So why is New Brunswick considering opening fracking plants like Aberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan have? It’s because the outcomes from the previous Countries and provinces have been extremely successful. “In Canada, more than 200,000 wells have been fractured in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan with a similarly sterling record”. Therefore, New Brunswick allowing fracking would be an extremely large step in reducing their unemployment rate. Currently New Brunswick has the third largest UR in Canada at 10.0. 

If New Brunswick allowed fracking, it would stimulate other provinces to follow suit such as Nova Scotia and Quebec. It would put money back into the economy and allow more independence for these eastern provinces. This means that they would stop collecting money from Canada’s equalization program and instead, contribute more to the overall betterment of the Canadian economy as a whole.

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“Apple’s New iPhones” Response

This article is a response to Brendan Lancaster’s blog post on the new Apple iPhone.


I agree with Brendan’s post on the new Apple iPhone. He made some very distinct points, however, I would like to analyze how Apple has come into their position of power in the market, and how they are able to continue to sell so many of their products.

Apple’s first iPhone was introduced in January of 2007 and was a revolution in the cellular phone market. They advertised it as a computer, that happened to be able to make calls and play music. By 2007 the cellular phone market in general was very strong and even though the Apple brand name was not the first brand to actually produce cell phones, the iPhone was still a revolution. At the time typical smartphones usually combined cell technology and internet. The iPhone was the first to create a cell phone that combined internet, music, easy usage, touch, and call technology. Apple was two years ahead of the market.

Since Apple was so far ahead of the market and was actually the first company to create such a great initial product, they were able to establish a place in the mind of the consumer. According to the book by Al Reis and Jack Trout, “The easiest way of getting into peoples minds is to be first”. Apple has established such strong presence in the market because they were the first to create such a revolutionary smartphone. However, this is currently only as of right now. I do not know what will happen in Apple’s future. Companies can begin to slip in the rankings, meaning they could drop the ball and become inferior to another company, such as android. Currently Apple is at the top, but I foresee them loosing their innovation(such as in their iPhone 6) due to the lack of incentive in the market.

Other Links:

6 Reasons Apple Is So Successful