Productivity and Play at Google


Google is one of the most successful businesses in the world, and much of this success is owed to the employees and the management structure of the company. Google has set up their workplaces in an extremely unique way, with seemingly unlimited perks to keep their employees and workforce happy throughout the day. Employees receive benefits such as gym memberships, stress yoga classes, free grooming appointments, unlimited food, and much more. Some might wonder why Google is spending so much money to keep their employees happy, but the answer lies in the amazing results the workforce yields.

According to Teresa Amabile, a business administration professor at Harvard Business School, there has been research to suggest that “great physical space enhances creativity”. Creativity and productivity are a key factor in any business and Google has created the perfect balance. Google does not even require employees to be at the office, however, many employees look forward to and are genuinely excited to be at work. They get free food and there are many activities available including stress relieving exercises and yoga which improve their quality of life. The workforce is the organization and therefore, if employees are passionate about what they do, they will give back to the company so much more than what the company gives to them. Google has not only made astounding profits, but has also greatly  increased the quality of life for their employees and customers.


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