Response to “As Gas Prices Drop, Gas Guzzler Sales Increase”


Micheal Sky recently posted a blog about the direct correlation between consumer vehicle purchases and relative gas prices. Micheal brought up some very strong points regarding consumers purchasing vehicles and ignoring the potential effects on our environment. He was stating that society should become more educated on the topic of sustainability and a healthy environment. I believe that something needs to be done to save our environment as well.

Economically speaking however, the drop in oil prices is extremely beneficial. It is estimated that if the price of a barrel drops to $80, it will put 660 billion dollars  back into the economy. People will save on gas and begin purchasing other goods instead. Oil prices may even stay low in the future. Since new technology has arisen, the world has been able to obtain more and more oil from the planet. It is estimated that the world will be able to generate oil for another 53 to 250 years. If society is able to use this information responsibly the earth should be able to sustain us for a long time to come. However, the recent mass purchasing of gas guzzling vehicles such as Jeeps, is not helping the environment in any way. People need to become aware of the effects they are having on the environment and make decisions based on sustainability. Companies need to begin campaigning on the basis of environmental benefit. There is a large and growing market for electric and hybrid vehicles, but major companies are seeing such an increase in the sale of larger gas guzzlers, they are becoming blind to the economic effects. Good companies display strong ethics and should be focused on benefiting the world, not just themselves.


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