

This is my “BIO” page.  Read on to know a little bit about my academic and professional interests and adventures.

Both my academic and professional interests are quite varied, but there are some themes that tie them all together.  The degree I am working at the time of writing this blog, a Bachelor’s of Computer Science, is my second degree at the University of British Columbia (UBC).  My first degree at UBC was in Political Science.

Much in my life has changed, between the time I completed my first degree and now, as I near the completion of the second.  I got married and became a father.  I went from being a support worker for youth living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, to being a truck driver and construction manager for my family’s business, to an almost graduated junior developer for a food tech company.  Although much as changed, there is very much that has remained constant.  The fields that interest me now: politics, philosophy, art, psychology, and technology were of interest to me in my first degree as well.  The requirements of degrees has however reoriented how I prioritize the things I can invest time in.

What feels different now is my focus on developing practical skills to help forward my career prospects — especially in the short-term.  I am intent on becoming the best software developer I can be as a “full-stack” web-application developer.  That term, “full-stack”, is overly general, but for the jobs I am seeking for the first few years of working as a developer, I think it is sufficient because the details of what that will mean for me will be determined by the kind of work I do in the initial years of my career.