Posted by: | 18th Nov, 2011

Should We Remove Our Names On Resumes?

Your name is hard to pronounce; don’t bother applying.

Although this isn’t the latest news, the Globe and Mail has recently published an article regarding this issue in the employment industry. Job recruiters in Canada are often discovered being more in favour to those with names of familiarity, rather than those who have foreign-sounding names.

Discrimination of this type is incredibly difficult to solve. When employers are faced with an unfamiliar name on a resume, the resume is often overlooked, and that applicant is not considered for the job. Hiring managers automatically conclude that foreign sounding names are those that do not have the communication abilities necessary.

Many employers cause this matter subconsciously, as society tends to prefer shortcuts. In attempts to avoid this issue, employers should request names of applicants to be stated at the end of an application form, or allow video resumes, in order to remove this unfairness.

The goals of a hiring manager are important, however, steps along the way are of much more value later on. Employers are currently disregarding many attractive employees, and new hiring process should be developed. In the mean while, there is little that can be done to avoid this problem.

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