Posted by: | 22nd Nov, 2011

The PlayBook is Nothing More Than a Normal Book

Research in Motion (RIM) has been suffering an enormous loss recently, due to increased competition and advancements in technology that they cannot keep up with.

The Blackberry PlayBook is an example of on of RIM’s unwanted products, challenging other tablets in the market, more specifically Apple’s iPad. The PlayBook has received negative reviews, as it lacks many features other tablets offer. Research in Motion has also failed to provide software updates that upgrade the tablet.

Retailers around the globe are slashing prices for the PlayBook. There are many tablets in the market that offer many more features which are more appealing to consumers. Despite the affordability of the PlayBook after the price cut, consumers are still overlooking the PlayBook and leaning towards other tablets.

RIM is failing to identify consumer’s desires and needs, and producing products of little to no value. In addition, competitors such as Apple provide superior quality and service. Consumers may now consider purchasing the PlayBook as the price falls, however the high inventory pileup will take years to clear. If Research in Motion does not produce a new, attractive product, they will suffer an even greater fall in the future.


I agree with you, Edward, for I too have fallen victim to the ineffectiveness of RIM. But the Blackberry issues aside, I too believe that RIM will suffer even greater setbacks if they do not develop new products or improve upon current ones.
The issue with Blackberry as a company is that they are always one or two steps behind. They copy instead of innovate and in today’s world, that just does not cut it anymore. So for them to stay the smartphone giant they once were, new products are definitely the way to go. With that being said, innovation is never easy and many have made a living off of copying others but in our current society, if one does not innovate in the field of technology, one does not stay in business for long.

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