Posted by: | 28th Mar, 2013

Emotional Connections Through Social Media

Re: Grow Your Social Media Relationships with Storytelling by Monica Carter Tagore

Okay, your company Facebook page has over 500 likes. Now what?

Do these followers actually pay attention to what you post?

They are already interested in your business (shown from the “like”), so how can you further that interest?

Monica Carter Tagore, co-founder of Writer’s Living, has blogged about how important relationships with social media contacts truly are.

I completely agree with her opinions on storytelling has to be emotional, and how posts must connect with the reader emotionally in order to have meaning through the reader’s eyes. As an administrator of many Facebook Pages and Twitter accounts for my own companies, I constantly search for the perfect messages to post.

I always imagine being the reader of my posts and ensuring that there is that extra emotional connection in my message.

Creating that relationship is what brings contacts back and potentially becoming your client.

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