Posted by: | 3rd Oct, 2011

The Top 3 Business Lessons

A marketing intern, suggested through the Globe and Mail, the top three concepts he had learnt that helped him gain success during his internship at Wickware Communications. For one who is planning to achieve a master of business administration degree, this article was very interesting to me. The first idea stated was to determine your niche, stick to it and own it. Staying with a narrow and specific market allows businesses to have a strong identity and gain success in that industry. I agree with this belief, as a business that are widespread and in multiple directions will not have advantages. The second point that is stressed is to allow your employees be responsible for the business itself, and inspire them to become leaders. This is absolutely true, as employees who are given important responsibilities will strive to achieve more. The last concept states how community involvement and consumer connections are significant towards a company. Shown interest towards your customers is extremely attractive towards all, which will inevitably bring success in a business. These points are extremely factual and helpful, ones that I am looking forward to recognize in my future years of study and business.

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