Enbridge Pipelines – Business Ethics Class 3 Comm101

The Northern Gateway Pipeline is being stalled yet again due to conflicts that still exist with all of the unhappy First Nation people. John Carruthers, the president of Enbridge believes in the same principles as Freeman, when he says, “I’m more fussed on can we have the support we need to go ahead, so it’s positive for all people of Canada, including Aboriginal people?” Like Freeman he believes the importance of not just the Stockholders but of everyone, financiers, stakeholders, employees, as well as communities. Without the support of them all it is impossible to succeed in business.

Other issues with the Pipeline include the fact that there will be an overall loss of net worth of jobs due to the supposed increase in bitumen, which will then be exported down the pipeline and someone outside of Canada will be in charge of it, losing tons of domestically created jobs and a cost to our economy which Enbridge has not yet addressed.

In contrast, Friedman believes that ultimately business execs have a duty to fulfill towards their bosses and the company without assuming everyone else’s interests and while that is understandable, I think that in excess, that idea can be troublesome because it’s not ideal to have workers that hate their jobs and the cause that they are “supporting”

Because of Business Ethics, I genuinely believe that we are better off without the start of this project. I genuinely believe more good can come out of it not being built. They should respect the Aboriginals’ land and agree to find another solution to this problem. I think in everyone’s interest this is best, because if this is built there is enough opposition for Enbridge’s reputation to go downhill. Including the First Nations’, environmentalists and general public that believes this pipeline won’t help substantially in the long run.

The fact that it will bring in lots of profit due to the rise in price for oil is important but at the cost of what? It’s not safe, nor is it something that everyone in the community is rooting for, and nor is it a project that will make the lives of Canadians and ongoing generations better by providing some sort of livelihood. The president of Enbridge believes that it should be a collective effort and people should look forward to it being built and I agree, and since they’re not, I think the opposing reasons are more than enough to stop this project completely.

Website Title: www.vancouversun.com
Article Title: Northern Gateway pipeline through B.C. unlikely to start up[…]
Date Accessed: September 10, 2014

Krugal, Lauren. “Northern Gateway Pipeline through B.C. Unlikely to Start up by 2018, Project President Says Read More: Http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Northern+Gateway+pipeline+through+unlikely+start+2018+project/10174245/story.html#ixzz3CwZXfQZm.”The Vancouver Sun (2014): n. pag. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. <http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Northern+Gateway+pipeline+through+unlik


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