
Task 6: An emoji story

My Emoji Story

Without giving away the title of the movie, TV show, or book, reflect on the process and challenges that you encountered in translating the title and plot of the chosen work into emojis. The following questions can lead your reflection:

For this task, I picked a movie that I had seen recently (I don’t watch many movies). This was a movie that I watched with my wife, and I really enjoyed it. It was a story that resonated strongly with both of us, so I thought it would be fitting to choose for this assignment.

At first, I thought about how I might translate the title of the movie into emojis but I quickly found that it was a bit challenging, so I explored the potential of representing the story through emojis. I went with a more conceptual approach rather than syllabic or word based for this task. I chose not to break the movie down into parts, because I thought that it might be too confusing to follow. I think that although the emojis give a more conceptual idea – it allows others to make their own assumptions about the visuals being presented. I found that adding extra lines of emojis ended up muddling the concept and making things a bit too confusing.

Part of me did choose this movie because I thought it would be an effective example for this class (i.e. not too challenging), but even so, I found myself brainstorming many different ways that I could accomplish my goal during the creation period.

Explore your colleagues’ entries and see if you can translate their titles and synopses. 

This area will be populated with some of my colleagues’ examples once they have been posted.

Tom Skinner created a whole bunch of really creative ideas which included: Pineapple Express, Batman, Spiderman, and Brokeback Mountain:

Jazz Chapman wrote about some sort of medical TV show – I’m not a big TV watcher so I would have to guess Grey’s anatomy or something similar:

Tatiana Kloster‘s post displayed a movie that I’m not sure of the title. When I first saw the emojis, I thought of the movie “Bridesmaids”, but I realized that doesn’t match the hint of the title, so I was a bit stuck:


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Writing space : Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 46-69.

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